Dogs allowed
Emergency Vehicle access can be made from the lane at the top of the Amenbury Lane car park.
Nearest hospital is Luton and Dunstable Hospital. Lewsely Road, Luton, LU4 0DZ. 01582 491166. Journey Time 19 mins (via M1, no traffic).
Nearest minor injury unit is Hemel Hempstead Hospital, Hillfield Road, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4AD Contact No; 01442 213141
Journey Time 22 mins (via M1 no traffic). Open 8am – 10pm every day
Defibrillator is mounted on the external wall of the clubhouse. The defibrillator is maintained and checked by the Town Council and registered with 'The Circut' so the emergency operator can issue the cabinet code to anyone requiring assistance during a medical emergency.
Limited paid for parking will be available at the leisure centre car park. Parking in Harpenden town centre, walking or cycling is recommended if possible.
Closest refreshments are the leisure centre. Also available in Town Centre – multiple cafes and shops
HCFC Coaches will have the code to access the toilets.
Defibrillator is mounted on the external wall of the clubhouse. The defibrillator is maintained and checked by the Town Council and registered with 'The Circut' so the emergency operator can issue the cabinet code to anyone requiring assistance during a medical emergency.